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Old 01-09-2023, 04:32 PM   #138
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post

"Government deficits always trend lower when their in office "

Depends on if you're talking about potus or congress, and what events were taking place at the time. I don't claim that at the national level, the GOP is any better with actions, but they make promises they don't keep.

"which party pass stuff to help big business and the wealthy"

That's perception. Reality, is that the left is wealthier than the right and that big business donates more to democrats now. That wasn't always the case, but its the case today.

"Dems want to fix these programs"

Wrong. Dems "claim" they want to fix them, by opposing cuts. But they never tell you what needs to be done to avoid cuts, and they never tell you where that money will come from., The easiest thing in the world, is for a politician to make promises.

"and a age increase is not a cut if its grandfathered in"

Yes it is. It's telling me that I will get less. That's a cut. I can't get benefits until I'm 67.5, my dad started getting benefits when he was way younger. That's a cut. It's way to save money. And I'm not saying it's bad, but don't tell me it's not a cut in benefits. Even if the raise the age way before I was ready to start collecting, it's a cut.

Jim your logic is flawed grandfathered means example when if your 40 or younger you collect at the new age and don’t get mad at me it’s Republicans who want to change the Age and I bet they won’t grandfather anyone

"Being in public service hasn't clouded any of my Judgments"

Respectfully, I disagree. You think the solution is always to spend more money. And you think that every time a Republican suggests we live within our means, they don't care about the poor. I've been in the public sector, and almost everyone there feels exactly the same way. Never any concern, ever, for if they are demanding too much from their neighbors.

every time a Republican suggests we live within our means, It’s when their not in power Funny how that works. If they were serious the Military budget would be on the table but it’s not.
I love this argument we should run the government like families run their budget What a joke

"Can't get convictions on Hoaxes jim"

Right!! No innocent person has ever been convicted! Never! By the way, what was Trump convicted of? Nothing.

Oh now their innocent

"yep keep thinking thats what happened"

Are you denying that teachers are exempt from SS? They don't pay one cent into it. Nor do they collect obviously, but their pensions (at least in CT) are several times more lucrative than SS. I know many public teachers whose pensions are over $70k a year, starting much younger than I'll be eligible for SS payments, which won't be anywhere near that high. And I pay more into SS than Connecticut teachers pay into their pensions.

No you don’t Jim stop hating Union because they’re benefiting from being in a union

The Top 10 / Bottom 10 States by Average Quality of Retirement Benefits for New Teachers
South Carolina (94.2%)
Tennessee (88.2%)
South Dakota (78.7%)
Oregon (78.6%)
Michigan (75.3%)
Washington (74.4%)
Rhode Island (73.9%)
Florida (73.7%)
Hawaii (71.0%)
Virginia (70.7%)

… 36 Connecticut Pension score is 53.80% how can red states have teachers with better pensions than CT

I'll ask again, is there any limit to the amount of debt which you feel entitled to pass onto future generations? Is there any limit? And are we anywhere near that limit?
What your answer Jim? Seems you were silent with Trumps unfunded tax cuts and his debt , Republicans had no problem with Iraq and Afghanistan were unfunded

Since invading Afghanistan in 2001, the United States has spent $2.313 trillion on the war, which includes operations in both Afghanistan and Pakistan. But Biden saved money leaving but the GOP wants to investigate

Republicans could give a f. K about future generations Just look at them on climate or renewal energy or electric cars. But keep thinking that’s why the next 2 years is going to be a circus like we’ve never seen in the history or the United States of America

Here some knowledge for ya

the average Social Security retirement benefit in January 2022 was about $1,614 per month, or about $19,370 per year.

Without Social Security benefits, about 4 in 10 adults aged 65 and older would have incomes below the poverty line

Social Security benefits lift 1.1 million children above the poverty line

Over 6.5 million children under age 18 lived in families who received income from Social Security

Fact #9: Social Security is especially beneficial for women.

Social Security is especially important for women, because they tend to earn less than men, take more time out of the paid workforce, live longer, accumulate less savings, and receive smaller pensions.

Keep convincing yourself Republicans are trying to save social Security and their trying to help their fellow Americans live a better life. With a balanced budget

To Republicans Social Security is Welfarism Why would they want to cut or privatize Social Security? Because they’ve wanted to do it for 87 years. Because, despite its popularity , their ideology and self-interest demand it. And because, as Republican judges, governors, and presidents have demonstrated, the party has no interest in preserving democratic norms.

Last edited by wdmso; 01-09-2023 at 04:56 PM..
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