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Old 01-09-2023, 03:32 PM   #136
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
The tale that Democrats are leftists and Republicans are rightists is absurd at best.
The Democratic Party is Centrist at best with the exception of the Progressive wing while the Republican Party has grown more and more authoritarian.

The actual existing line up of elected Republicans across the nation is worse than before--with Reps. Cheney, Kinzinger, and Upton gone, Sens. Portman, Toomey, and Burr gone, Govs. Hogan and Baker gone.

The GOP is more extreme and authoritarian than ever.
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"The Democratic Party is Centrist at best"

Sure, sure. Abortions until the 9th month, defund the police, men sharing bathrooms with little girls, open borders, endless scope to federal government. All centrist ideas for sure.

"the Republican Party has grown more and more authoritarian."

Say that all you want, it doesn't make it less stupid. The GOP wants a much smaller federal government presence, than the democrats. That you can deny that with a straight face, shows how bonkers you are.

"The GOP is more extreme and authoritarian than ever."

Sure Pete. Sure.

Extremist republicans want less federal government, more freedoms. They don't want zero federal government, but nowhere near what the democrats advocate for.

Take off the tin foil hat and talk sense.
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