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Old 01-09-2023, 11:55 AM   #132
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
"Well Jim the truth is only the Democrats have ever done a balanced budget since Clinton"

When, after Bill Clinton was president, did the democrats balance the federal budget?

Look, I have said many times I give the GOP a big fat F on this issue. When campaigning, republicans claim to want a balanced budget, then once elected, they fail to deliver.

But if you're trying to say that democrats are more fiscally responsible than republicans, I'm not sure Americans would buy it. Dems have never claimed to be but Government deficits always trend lower when their in office . americans understand what policies are passed to Help them and the Nation and which party pass stuff to help big business and the wealthy they Buy that

"They want to take it from Social Security Medicare "

SS and Medicare are rapidly going broke. It's very easy to say they shouldn't be cut. Tell me where the money comes from.

Democrats have never cut social security and medicare? Democrats have never raised the minimum age to get benefits, which is a cut?
the difference Jim is and you know it Dems want to fix these programs republicans want to end them or even crazier privitize them and a age increase is not a cut if its grandfathered in

WDMSO, due respect, but maybe you spent too much time in the public sector where you just expect the money will be always there because it's confiscated, and not enough time in the private sector, where you learn that there are limits to what you can spend, you can't spend more than there is. That's not an attempt at giving you the middle finger, it's just an observation based on your consistent comments that there's an endless supply of money.

Being in public service hasn't clouded any of my Judgments Republican behavior over 30years has made their intent very clear
but dont be fooled not of the cut republicans wish to find will be made to help the SS surplus

The surplus in SS is running out. So either we raise taxes meaningfully, or we cut benefits. We've known this was coming for 40 years, and we've done nothing, because we elect people who are pretty and famous, not people who actually know how to solve problems.

SS can not continue as is for long, it's going to be bankrupt in about 14 years. Either we keep benefits where they are and enact big tax hikes to pay for it, or we reduce benefits to what can be funded. That's called "reality".

Both parties have chosen to ignore that reality, because they didn't want to speak unpopular truth.

If you're opposed to cutting benefits, that's a great bumper sticker. But it doesn't tell us how you'd pay for it.

How much debt are you comfortable with leaving to future generations? Is there any limit?

"The worst part is Jim we’ve all seen the movie before"

Yes we did. The Russia hoax investigation. Can't get convictions on Hoaxes jim. and seems attempts to overthrow the Government by a sitting POTUS is no big deal but hunters laptop is

Social Security was designed to help people in the last years of their lives. It wasn't built to fund decades of greens fees for huge numbers of Baby Boomers. But cowardly politicians wanted those votes, so they chose not to reign it in.

It became a Ponzi Scheme, that's exactly what it is, and those all meet the same inevitable ending. This is why teachers unions cunningly got their teachers exempt from this awful trap.

I didn't pay into SS on my state job. I contributed into the states pension fund . and my own deferred comp plan .. but it was never to avoid SS

This is why teachers unions cunningly got their teachers exempt from this awful trap yep keep thinking thats what happened

Social Security is the major source of income for most of the elderly.
AKA the bulk of GOP voters
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