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Old 01-07-2023, 10:21 PM   #116
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It’s already started. Of course Republicans won’t run on taking Social Security or Medicare they just wait till after the election

Republican of Georgia, has expressed his intent to cut spending in conjunction with raising the debt ceiling. Representative Lloyd Smucker, a Pennsylvania Republican has stated his wish to establish means testing—setting income eligibility levels—for Social Security and Medicare.

Means testing refers to the policy of providing no benefits to the people with incomes or assets above a certain level. But workers at all income and asset levels have worked to earn their Social Security and Medicare benefits and rely on them as well.

Representative Jason Smith, Republican of Missouri, currently the ranking Republican member on the House Budget Committee, has indicated that he wants to use debt limit talks to extract concessions from President Biden on entitlements .

nothing about cutting the biggest budget the military It’s just more of the same wash rinse repeat.

Not sure why Republicans have a hard on for Social Security, and Medicare sing. Most of their supporters around both in both programs are extremely popular

Now in its 85th year, Social Security enjoys over 90 percent support among Democrats, Republicans and independents, according to an AARP survey of 1,441 people ages 18 and older.

Can’t wait to see what comes out of the clown car
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