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Old 01-06-2023, 07:43 AM   #70
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
It’s a greatest hits medley, keep drinking Jim, I think the only thing you prove is how blind you are to what is happening in plain sight or how deep the corruption and dysfunction runs in this party.
i’m curious to know what it is you think i’m
drinking? when i’m the one who says there’s good and bad on both sides, and you say all the good is on the left, and all
the bad is on the right?

Which one of us is the blind extremist?

please tell me your take on what’s happening right now? are you suggesting that there’s no disagreement among democrats in the house? that none of them disagree with Ihan Omar on anything?

there’s a temporary, embarrassing thing taking place, which is kind of unavoidable when you have a razor thin majority and you have republicans with different ideas. On the one hand, you can’t always get what you want and you have to compromise sometimes. On then other hand, it’s not written in stone that McCarthy gets to be speaker, so if the freedom caucus doesn’t like him, why should they vote for him?

I admit it looks very silly and dysfunctional. but doesn’t it also look a lot like democracy?

are you saying a party is only “functional” when every single member of that party, agrees on everything? it’s hard not to conclude that’s what you believe.

you’re full of insults, devoid of explanation, as usual.

now when Matt Gaetz votes for Trump for speaker, he’s embarrassing himself, but he’s has no business being in congress anyway. So there some individuals being very embarrassing.

But if you were the head of the RNC, what would you grell the 20 holdouts? that they have. responsibility to join the majority and support McCarthy?

Maybe that’s what they should do. But i’m not sure. McCarthy is soft on the border and balanced budgets and opposed to term
limits. If they want to pressure him to get him to move in their direction on those issues, why is that a bad thing? especially if they happened to run on those issues and feel
like their constituents elected them on that basis.

I don’t especially like McCarthy. He’s kind of unprincipled and not very conservative, and for sure he wants to be there forever, and i don’t like congressmen who are opposed to term limits.

anyway, i explained why i see both sides. instead of libbing insults, please tell me why you think it’s a bad thing for the holdouts to demand that the republicans promise to advocate for balanced budgets and term limits, in return for voting for McCarthy? why is that corrupt and dysfunctional? maybe it is, but i’m not sure. And you merely claiming it is, doesn’t make it so. I’d actually be interested i. hearing your rationale behind it, but there probably isn’t any, more likely just reflexive loathing if everyone who disagrees with you.

different subject, but here’s what i think is dysfunctional. CT has been run by liberals
for 50 years. And we are a very wealthy state, and we have very high tax rates. So we gave a ton of money to the liberals running the state, more than enough. . yet our unfunded debt is tens of thousands of dollars for every human being in the state, probably at least $35k for every human being in the state. Yet every other year, their plan is to raise taxes and increase spending. it never ever works, but they do it every single budget cycle.

That’s dysfunctional.
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