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Old 01-05-2023, 10:26 PM   #68
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
The GOP is fine…….sure Jim. The gop elected a game show host, who was twice impeached, who spearheaded a coup and soon will I hope be joining his other convicted conspiracists. He cost them the White House and On his way out the cancer that is Trump, infected the party, putting fellow nuts into races they couldn’t win, resulting in the worst mid term in memory. The irony for Kevin McCarthy who blamed Trump for the 6th, only to reverse course flying to FL to kiss Trumps arse in the belief it would help him, now finds that due to Trump and the miserable mid term; he doesn’t have the majority most mid terms would have guaranteed his speakership.

If the GOP is fine I think it’s time to seek help, what is out there for coolaid (come on you are Scott missing all the fun) addicts?
if you say the gop is destroyed and a lame party, i say it’s time for you to seek help. look at the mathematical facts of how many federal and state elected offices are held by each party, look at who controls the states that people are fleeing, and who controls the states people
are moving to.

Now, there’s plenty about the gop which I hate. But the party is in decent shape. You can’t concede the facts because you’re blinded by hate. I’m responding to irrefutable data. i don’t get blinded by ideology, i can happily go wherever the facts take me. I have a side i root for obviously, but i can be rational about my sides failures and the other sides successes. You guys, not one of you, can do that.

obviously the gop has liars, scumbags, losers, hucksters, morons. This is an ambarassing situation which no one will remember in 6 months

and i think it’s interesting. part of me thinks the holdouts should
tow the line,, part of me says that if they want McCarthy to promise to support term limits and he won’t, then they shouldn’t vote for him. part of me says this is how democracy works.

The democrats elected a potus who has a credible rape allegation against him, he’s a known liar, a known plagiarizer, and is now deeply demented. They elected a CT senator who lied for years about serving in vietnam. They twice elected bill clinton,, a lifelong abuser of women, disbarred for lying. and he’s a hero on the left. Same with Hilary, so character was nowhere on the ballot in 2016. So spare me the nonsense that either side has a monopoly on character flaws.

i can match you on both sides electing jerks, all day long. All day long. Both sides have good folks and bad folks. Both sides have good ideas and bad ideas. Again, none of you can admit that ( despite it being obvious) because you’re blinded by ideology. All that matters to everyone single one of you ( except Paul) is defending liberalism, no matter what. No matter what, no exceptions, not ever. You’re the most thoughtless, utterly predictable buch one could imagine. i can tell with 100% accuracy what every single one of you will say about every single issue.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 01-05-2023 at 10:41 PM..
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