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Old 01-05-2023, 06:40 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
People who hate and harm our constitutional form of government and wish to replace it with a promised, supposedly benevolent, authoritarian state will not restrain themselves from that endeavor. And they will exercise that hate and harm against those standing in their way and will ultimately feed off of their authoritarian nature by subjugating, punishing, anyone that threatens their power. They will gather committees and cabals around themselves to create the attractive air of orderly consensus in order to please and pacify the populace with a show of justifiable and legal righteousness so they then can remove, with trials and investigations and indictments, those who oppose and threaten them or their agenda, thereby permanently destroying them by irreparable harms and punishments--and clear the way for their plans to remake our government a centralized, top down administration by elite masterminds supported by wealthy oligarchs.
You just described the MAGA movement to a T
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