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Old 01-04-2023, 09:04 AM   #13
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Many have commented on how Trump has destroyed to GOP and it keeps getting proven over and over. From the selection of candidates, the mid term results and now this; I think the predictions by Scott and Jim that it will be fun to watch after the mid terms seem to be true but the fun isn’t on the right side of the isle.
Right, the GOP is destroyed. They have the house, 49 Senate seats, and a robust majority of state governorships and state legislatures.

Finally, the GOP controls the states that are growing the fastest, and the left runs the states that people are fleeing. This will likely continue, as the bluest states like CT, are just about ready to enter the phase where either they start bouncing pension checks to unionized retirees, or they ram huge tax hikes down our throats. Those are the only 2 choices for places like CT and IL. As people leave those states for FL, that means blue states will lose house seats and red states will gain them.

That's a destroyed party to you? The GOP is stupid, dysfunctional, has as many liars and scumbags as any hugs group of people will have. But they aren't getting creamed by any means.

Plus there's probably a recession coming. America isn't going to blame the GOP-led house.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 01-04-2023 at 09:17 AM..
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