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Old 01-03-2023, 09:07 AM   #18
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Buffalo Bills Safety Hamlin in Critical Condition After Cardiac Arrest,

The response below are from the same type of people who think Trump won the election.
The FBI suppressed speech the Doj called parents domestic terrorist drag queen shows should be banned .
And Jan6th is a lie. And who the new House will put on a show for. And their latest saviorMusk
because he’s rich and he’s a genius. And they think that he validates their opinions.

These events are happening all over the world in young previously extremely healthy professional and non pro athletes with no indication of heart or other heart related problems. They all have one similar administered "health safety" inoculation as do 4 billion around the world supposedly given to reduce a certain viral infection called covid. Evidence has been released by world recognized scientists and heart specialists as to the one thing they all have in common, the covid vaccine. According to their research and factual evidence the VACCINE causes heart problems, aggressive cancers, blood clots and aneurysm's and a myriad of other serious ailments which cause "sudden death" or debilitating diseases that cause an inability to preform at previous levels and possibly life long disability. The impostor federal government , big pharma, intell agencies and others have suppressed this info and still are for unknown reasons other than possibly liabilities in the trillions of dollars in damages and or prosecution, yet they still disavow the vaccines as the problem. Researchers and fact checkers like Steve Kirsch and Ed Dowd have shown as many 2500 unexplained deaths PER DAY and 5000 disabling events from the vaccines PER DAY, at this rate our work force and military will be reduced to unsustainable levels and get this fact, ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS will have to be trained to REPLACE them thus the open border debacle on our border.

So the guys name Ed dowel he’s a Rumble regular.

Claiming Ed Dowd: "Millennial age group, 25 to 44 experienced an 84% increase in excess mortality"

Blaming Covid vaccines

We’ll here is the problem .. those age groups are the lowest vaccinated in the country

The KFF poll, conducted May 18-25, found that the highest share of unvaccinated respondents were 30-49 years old (41%), followed by 29% ages 18-29 and 20%

But highest age groups for fentanyl overdose

Adults aged 26-39 years had the highest rates of fentanyl overdose deaths

Ed profession : Equity Investment Executive

Yep ( they used to be called snake oil salesmen). Now their Buyers call them and they . proclaim their experts peddling their wares to those who are the most gullible

5 min internet search is all it took to show his claims are bogus.

But you can’t have a conspiracy with out a cover up. And my information would be dismissed as false information because it came from the government..

All conspiracy are just never ending like playing wack a mole once one theory is disproven they just move on and another mole pops from the hole

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Last edited by wdmso; 01-03-2023 at 09:19 AM..
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