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Old 12-30-2022, 08:30 AM   #6
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Well RR could use a crazy partner and Jim could use someone deflecting the attention from his crazy shrouded in whataboutism.
If you don't like being exposed as a hypocrite, I'd suggest you try to avoid engaging in hypocrisy.

Bob, if you criticize a republican for doing something...why isn't it a valid response if I point to an example of a democrat you support, who did something similar?

Why isn't it valid to expect that you hold both sides to a similar standard?

Labeling it "whatabout-ism", isn't refuting it.

I'm sure you have a very thoughtful, reasoned reply.

The lefties here wants to expel a republican who lied about his education and work experience. And I agree he should be kicked out. I agree 100%.

But none of you has any problem whatsoever, with a democrat in the US senate who lied for years about serving in the Vietnam War.

So it seems to me, you don't actually have a principle that "politicians should have to be honest". Rather, your principle is that republicans must always be criticized, and that democrats must never be criticized.

Try making that wrong.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 12-30-2022 at 08:38 AM..
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