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Old 12-29-2022, 06:37 PM   #150
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Accusing someone of being with a prostitute whether gay or heterosexual is an insult. That is the insult the Republicans threw around. If it wasn't meant to be an insult why did the Republicans all use the word gay?
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Paul, I don't think for one second that you are anti gay.

The insult I hear, is that it was some kind of trist. It's not insane to believe that.

The GOP used the word gay in response to the unanimous initial reporting that teh GOP was responsible for the assault.

The attacker may have been motivated by politics. But NBC has reported evidence to the contrary, and it's interesting that you don't seem to want to comment on that.

Your side made this political. It's only fair to the GOP, then, if the truth comes out. The bodycam footage would end all debate once and for all. It's interesting that it hasn't been released.

If the democrats and the media are going to use this to smear the GOP, shouldn't they be required to reveal all the evidence? Why should the truth be kept secret while they make political attacks?

One could make a compelling case, that the left is afraid of the truth in this instance.
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