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Old 12-29-2022, 03:04 PM   #73
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
You either don't know what you are talking about or you are intentionally lying. Blumenthal said he served in vietnam in 2003 and there was no law against saying that. He said he misspoke and other times said he did not serve.
sorry, i assumed you could read, my bad. I said here in this thread, , that “today”, his lie is a crime. It wasn’t then, but is is today. true or false?

any special reason why you’re too cowardly to defend your statement that it’s about the number of lies? what’s the magic number paul? how many lies are ok?

the answer is, “how ever many the democrat tells, that number is ok. however many the republican tells. is too many”.


biden was caught plagiarizing and had told plenty of whoppers to puff himself up. And I don’t really care as many of them do it. but all of a sudden you guys are saying that lying disqualifies yiu from federal government. at least when republicans do it, that is.

Bill Clinton was disbarred for lying. and he’s an enormously popular hero to the left.

Must be convenient to cloak yourself in such hypocrisy.
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