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Old 12-28-2022, 09:37 AM   #14
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
But if Abbott sent EVERY busload to the vineyard you and Ronnie's arguement seem to be that they should ALL be allowed to stay there.

Both sides need to agree on comprehensive immigration reform from border security to visas to allowing PHD students we train to stay here - and more.
i’d never seriously say that martha’s vineyard should take them all. They couldn’t come close to all fitting there. But the optics were pretty funny that the wealthiest liberals to be found who advocate for these policies, called in the military to get them the hell off their little exclusive island enclave. “not in my backyard” kind of a thing.

Paul, i have said many times the GOP is too pigheaded and extremist when it comes to guns. I’d say the same thing about democrats when it comes to border security.

If people like you were in congress, you’d figure it out before lunch on the first day. Because it’s not hard to figure out border security if you are guided by logic rather than by partisan rhetoric. I’d bet there are very few western developed nations that are as far away as we are, from dealing with it. Because we elect whores instead of problem
solvers, and that applies to both sides.
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