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Old 12-27-2022, 08:37 AM   #13
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
was hoping to not post on Xmas Morning in the spirit of christmas

But it seems those christians who complained Biden didn't mention Jesus in his holiday address.. Had other ideas and plans for christmas

Multiple busloads of migrants were dropped off at Vice President Kamala Harris’s residence in Washington, D.C. on Saturday — Christmas Eve — leaving migrants on the streets in below-freezing temperatures, according to multiple reports.

Three busloads of migrants were driven to D.C.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) was responsible for Saturday’s incident

So let me get this straight if these people are illegals .. that makes
Abbott a coyote .

But they have legal status or they wouldn't be on the bus.

He's just using and abusing Migrants AKA humans as political props
Wayne, if you oppose what Abbott did, then tell me why border states should have to bear this burden, not the communities who advocate for open borders. The left wants this, well this is what you are advocating for. Why should citizens of border states have to bear the burden of a federal issue?

It's very easy to say you advocate for open borders when you know you'll never have to see an illegal immigrant. Those swell people on Marthas Vineyard took selfies with the brown skinned people to show how woke they are, then called in the military to get them the hell off their island enclave.
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