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Old 12-22-2022, 12:46 PM   #5
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Zelensky's visit shows neither Ukraine nor US want peace, Russia and Republicans says

In a survey conducted in November, just over half of Republican voters supported aid to Ukraine - down from 80% in March.

Nearly half of Republicans think the U.S. is sending too much support to Ukraine as it battles Russia’s invasion, according to a new poll from the Wall Street Journal, a figure that has jumped in recent months, as some key GOP lawmakers threaten to cut back on U.S. aid to Ukraine.

Not a lot of free thinkers in the GOP

They just parrot what they are told to parrot. From open borders to stole elections , to transgender people and gay are grooming Children

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson went on a bizarre tirade against Volodymyr Zelenskyy, complaining that the Ukrainian president was “dressed like the manager of a strip club” when he addressed Congress on Wednesday.

as we know, no one’s ever addressed the United States Congress in a sweatshirt before, but they love him much more than they love you,” he told viewers.

Tucker Carlson accuses Volodymyr Zelensky of waging a “war against Christianity”

TUCKER CARLSON: Zelenskyy's visit represented 'bipartisan masochism'

Learn to pronounce
the tendency to derive pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from one's own pain or humiliation.

They seem awestruck. Not since a young Fidel Castro showed up in New York wearing battle fatigues has this country's aging leadership class tittered more loudly in delight

Ukraine's borders matter. Ours don't matter.

Because as you just saw, Zelenskyy has arrived in Washington to make more demands. He's the houseguest who would not leave. And every moment we tolerate him, the demands become bigger.

So the leader of a foreign government dressed in a sweatshirt waltzes into the United States Congress and starts demanding money. And then has the gall to tell the people sitting there, who are giving him tens of billions of dollars more of your money, that it is not charity, it's an investment. Really, what are the returns on that? And by the way, what's the point of it? What is the goal here? What's the justification for it? Do we have a historic debt to Ukraine? Do we have a historic animosity with a non-Soviet Russia? No, no. How do we win here? What's in it for us? Isn't this our country? And where do you get off talking to us like that? Do we hate ourselves so much? Do we have so little respect for the United States of America that we put up with that, that we'll applaud it? Thank you, sir. May I have another? What's wrong with us? What's wrong with our leaders? And where is this going?

But he has no influence over the GOP or that’s what gop supporters will tell us.. they’ll say he is no different than Rachel Maddow. That’s how they convince themselves they didn’t read what they read or hear the words he spoken while watching the video.

It’s truly amazing to watch and very very scary that so many Americans are so gullible
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