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Old 12-22-2022, 08:35 AM   #1
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Zelensky's speech to Congress

Omg. Fox new hosts like Tucker and others bashing his appearance like nothing I’ve ever seen

From complaints about how he was dress. to outrage that Nancy held up the Ukraine flag . Suggesting it should have been the Texas flag seeing that their the ones being invaded . And theirs no money given in the current funding bill

And what’s in it for the United States helping Ukraine . Once again republicans suddenly claiming fiscally concerns with Ukraine

When it very clear many are pro Russian anti Europe and won’t govern or allow any perceived successes for sitting president. Or their angry cultists base will Turn on them

Sorry Taiwan you’re screwed the GOP won’t help you when you need it

Sadly they are and we’re less concerned with the last potus and their own members in congress behavior before during and after Jan6th Their just shameful hypocrisy laden pathetic party
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