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Old 12-15-2022, 02:43 PM   #23
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Jim's focus is school bathrooms at the moment, please don't distract him Wayne, once Jim get's his needle stuck its full speed ahead. That issue in his mind is so much more important than our yearly mass shooting average, the 362 children killed in the past decade or the 189 school shootings since Sandy Hook.
I went to a Sandy Hook funeral and was in town every single day with my golden retriever, who was a certified therapy dog. You'd have no way of knowing that so it's no big deal.

But are you saying I can't be outraged by the murder of kids AND also think it's dumb to force 14 year old girls to get naked in front of boys while at school?

I guess your brain isn't capable of processing more than one thing at a time. Most adults can think about 2 things at once.

You are a stupid, and I mean really stupid, bitter, angry old man.
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