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Old 12-15-2022, 11:30 AM   #9
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
As usual you claim right wing rhetoric to be truth.
But when you’re a member of the party of victims and insurrectionists what else would anyone expect.
It’s been fun watching watching your ilk cycle from blaming first Antifa, then the FBI for the insurrection they planned.

Much of what has happened to the GOP has nothing to do with politics. It’s the story of a voluntary association of people who decided to not only tolerate petty viciousness but value it. Graciousness & kindness are seen as weakness. It’s not new or interesting. It’s just a choice.
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"you’re a member of the party of victims and insurrectionists what else would anyone expect."

When you ignore every violent protect the left has ever engaged in, I guess the landscape looks pretty one-sided. but the fact is, in 2016, a small number of house democrats sought to overturn the election, because they didn't like that they had lost. Just about every violent, politically-motivated riot in the last 35 years, up until January 6th, was initiated by the left. Those are facts whether you happen to like them or not.

"It’s the story of a voluntary association of people who decided to not only tolerate petty viciousness but value it. "

It's the story of a party that grew tired of showing up with boxing gloves when the democrats were wearing brass knuckles, so we finally nominated a guy who was better at fighting dirty than the left. You're not used to Republicans fighting back (Bush, McCain, Romney all sat there smiling as the left told the world they were evil, racist, hated women, etc). You got used to Republicans who'd take the cheap shots. Well those days are gone. We went too far (in my opinion) with Trump, we need someone who will fight back but do it with civility and maturity, which is way beyond Trumps abilities. In any event, he'll be gone from the scene no later than 2024. The up-and-comers (Desantis, Cotton, Scott, Crenshaw, Noem, Haley) are nothing like Trump.

Pete, when you ignore everything unethical the left has ever done, and you ignore everything good that the right has ever done, that makes the left look a lot better than the right. But it's not a sane way to compare the 2 sides.

Look at the number or elected offices currently held by each party. America obviously isn't buying what you're selling.
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