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Old 12-06-2022, 05:50 PM   #2
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Now that’s funny, especially when you are the Faux News junkie, but guess who has broken the law; Trump organization guilty as charged. But but but Hunter.
WDMSO was saying the release of laptop information was illegal. Any idiot would know that's what I was referring to. Any chance you can do something modestly productive for once, and just tell me which laws were broken in that event, rather than lobbing stupid and baseless insults?

Trump literally has 0% of getting elected in the 2024 general election. He'd lose 40 states.

Maybe if we investigated Hunter, we'd see what happened, and if any laws were broken. When the powers that be get together and decide to bury a story, it's kind of hard to prove any wrongdoing related to that story, isn't it?

I'm NOT suggesting there's any equivalence between Biden's moral lapses and Trump's, because there isn't. But the fact is, we've spent a thousand more times the energy investigating Trump than we have investigating the Bidens, and as of right now, there are the same exact number of convictions against both men.

Lets investigate the potential Biden corruption with the same vigor we've investigated everything Trump has ever done, and then we can compare results. Hard to compare 2 guys when one is being investigated as much as possible (for some things, it turns out, that obviously never happened), and the other guy gets a free pass for everything he does. Again, not comparing the ethics of the 2, because Trump is in a class by himself. But no one wants to hear about possible fraud among the Bidens.
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