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Old 12-06-2022, 11:24 AM   #8
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post

There has been zero evidence that President Biden benefited from his son's business dealings.
Well when everyone refuses to even discuss it let alone investigate, it's kind of a foregone conclusion that there will be zero accumulated evidence. You have to start an investigation before you can accumulate evidence, right?

There's the allegations of Hunters former partner, former Naval officer ( I think?), that Babolinski guy. Is there evidence he's lying? If we believe the lady who accused Kavanaugh, on what basis is she more credible than he is?

There will be hearings, posturing, political theater, and nothing will result.

Hunter Biden got fabulously wealthy in Ukraine, when his dad was the executive branch's point man there. There are a lot of countries around the globe. That's a heck of a coincidence. Biden also applied pressure to get Ukraine to fire a corrupt prosecutor. I'm asking a question here, not making a statement, was that guy investigating a company that Hunter was involved with? Some are saying that, but they say a lot of things, don't they.
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