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Old 12-06-2022, 09:37 AM   #6
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Even Steve Doocy and Matt Tiabbi both admit the Feds did not get involved in the laptop.

The segment opened with a clip of Senator Ted Cruz amplifying Republican talking points about “Twitter Files,” though much of what he said was flat-out wrong. Doocy said that he didn’t know what the senator was talking about before citing Taibbi’s writing on Friday “although several sources recalled hearing about a general warning from federal law enforcement that summer about possible foreign hacks, there’s no evidence that I have seen of any government influence in the laptop story. In fact, that might have been the problem.”

“So, according to the guy who Elon Musk gave all the secrets to, he said I don’t see federal law enforcement involved in the laptop story at all,” Doocy included.
the former head of content for Twitter said very explicitly, the FBI warned them about an impending misinformation campaign against Hunter.

I haven’t heard anyone claim they were warned specifically about hunters laptop. But they were warned it had to do with Hunter. When the laptop story broke, they all assumed that’s what the fbi warned them about, and they all dropped it even though there was never any evidence it was russian information.

Paul, the FBI had the laptop in their possession when they were telling twitter it was russian misinformation. They had the laptop, therefore they knew it wasnt russian misinformation. Come on, you know what happened here.

That’s what Twitter executives are saying. I’m assuming they aren’t lying.
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