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Old 12-06-2022, 07:06 AM   #1
Jim in CT
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the scandal is that the fbi became nothing more than a political
weapon. if that’s baloney, fine, but then don’t cry when it happens to you.

the FBIs role isn’t to work to help elect politicians they happen to like.

The tech companies are free to censor it i guess, it’s a free country, and if fox news can have a bias in reporting, so can they. But they shouldn’t call it russian disinformation when there was never any evidence of that. This is t any more complicated than it appears.

But what the FBI clearly did, isn’t baloney. They work for us, not for the Biden campaign.

Obviously this story was crafted to help the trump campaign. but it was an accurate, legit story.

Diane feinstein sitting on the Kavanaugjvraoe allegations and waiting for maximum dramatic efffect on the last day of his hearings was also a political stunt. It was also complete BS. but that don’t bother you one bit, did it?
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