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Old 12-03-2022, 10:20 PM   #15
Pete F.
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: vt
Posts: 13,073
I see the poor victim has his panties in a bunch yet again.
To summarize, lots of news orgs pass on fishy unconfirmed story. Finally NYPost runs with it. It has all the hallmarks of the Russian/Assange/Wikileaks stunt of 2016. Twitter has a policy for suppressing hacked material. It has all the hallmarks of a hack.
The responsible executives at Twitter decide to invoke the policy, say they have to remember the context of 2016, say they need to find out more to know whether it was hacked material or not, etc. GOP lobbyists writes in from DC saying Republicans are going to be super mad. It's worth remembering that it is actually highly likely that the material was either hacked or stolen. But even if you believe the story that Biden took his laptop in for repair, forgot about it and left it with a guy who cracked it open and brought it to Rudy Giuliani, believing it was likely hacked or at least taking a cautious approach based on that possibility was hardly a crazy idea or unreasonable or an unethical position. Indeed, the actual email traffic Taibbi published shows the key people being thoughtful and cautious and generally taking their jobs seriously. It's entirely reasonable to think based either on what they knew then or what we know now that they should have made a different decision. (I actually think it was the right decision.) But there's nothing scandalous or hypocritical or dishonest about the decision they made. This whole stunt ("T H E T W I T T E R F I L E S" lol) was a total nothingburger.
The wholly anodyne Taibbi thread is unwitting evidence of a much bigger bummer: every day, American “conservatives” seem to sink deeper into a dirtscape of utter nonsense — of gibberish code words and inscrutable signals that mean nothing to normal people.
They’re very afraid, poor victims
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
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