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Old 12-02-2022, 09:56 AM   #89
Jim in CT
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Paul I make no claims to the validity of the data I provided. I assume it was published by a pro catholic advocate. My point was that sexual abuse is also a thing in public schools. Pete will never concede that because he's not interested in truth, only in serving The Narrative.

WDMSO said very explicitly that schools like Notre Dame High, our alma mater, are funded only by the church and that they don't let non-catholics attend.

I'm just trying to inject a tiny sliver of truth.

I'm Catholic, and I'm not in love with anything related to pedophilia. But I don't like it when the left only talks about abuse at the hands of priests. That's done to serve an agenda. And that's not defending the priests, lock them up for life. But let's also discuss abuse that happens at the hands of public school teachers, doctors, and other religions. If you follow the media, you'd assume it's only a Catholic problem. It's a larger societal problem.

My company writes a lot of professional liability insurance for hospitals, nursing homes, and public schools. Sex abuse claims are non-stop.
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