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Old 11-28-2022, 09:43 AM   #17
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post

Yet this same party is banning books attacking trans youth and their families claiming teachers are indoctrination sites for children. There trying to defund a system to benefit their small base who wants tax money to send their kids to religious schools

It’s all here ! Republican candidates are platforming nationwide calls for “parents’ rights” and school choice. They want curriculum posted online and for parents to be able to opt out of certain lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity. Many oppose lessons they feel are too closely tied to critical race theory, an academic framework that looks at the roles of race and racism in U.S. history, law and institutions. They also want taxpayer dollars to flow to private and religious schools.
"Yet this same party is banning books"

Not sure what book appropriateness has to do with school choice, but whatever. Are you saying liberals don't use censure, don't ban books they don't like (like To Kill A Mockingbird, Huckleberry Finn), don't take down statues that are offensive to them, etc? As always, it's OK when liberals do it.

"attacking trans youth"

Sorry. Telling biological boys that they can't watch girls undress during school, isn't attacking anybody. It's protecting everybody. It takes a pretty warped mind to call that attacking anybody.

"They want curriculum posted online"

The horror! Imagine that if I'm paying big money for something that my kids are exposed to, that I want to see what it is? The nerve of some people!

Wayne, you never, not once, were curious about what your kids were being taught? You never bothered to ask about any details? Never?

You don't get it. The teachers work for the parents. Not the other way around. Teachers are public servants. They exist to serve the public.

In another post here, you said it's the responsibility of the parents to educate their children. Fine. How can parents educate their kids, without having some knowledge of what the kids are being taught, without having some input.

You seriously said that it's the parents responsibility to educate their kids, but parents should shut up about what happens in school. That doesn't sound stupid to you?

You'll say ANYTHING to serve liberalism.

You also ignored my obvious question...if it's YOUR responsibility to educate your kids (which you said it was), what possible right do you have to ask others to pay for your kids' student loans?

You want my money, but you want me to shut up about how it's spent.
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