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Old 11-18-2022, 09:13 AM   #32
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Cops overhelmingly vote R. The Bridgeport and other police endorsed stefanowski in Ct. So did the state wide faternal order of police. So they all want Rs in office. That means all those times police lie, ignore evidence, etc. it is a moral failure of conservatives by your logic.
"Maybe bc conservatives don't seem to care if police lie or beat up people they arrest."

Except you can't show me a single influential conservative who ever said cops shouldn't be punished when they actually break the law. Conservatives aren't saying cops are perfect. That would be stupid. But they aren't a bunch of racist assassins, and that's exactly how people like Al Sharpton portray them, and every democrat president in my lifetime has kissed AL Sharpton's ring. He's very influential.

I can show you as many liberals as you want, who said on TV that police aye systemically racist and out to get blacks.

It's the liberals who don't care that their anti cop rhetoric has to be at least partially responsible for the random ambush style attacks against cops that never happened 20 years ago.

So your statement is ridiculous. The republican platform doesn't include the notion that cops are allowed to break the law. What we believe (and where we differ with liberals), is that it's not necessarily racist every single time a white cops hurts or kills a black person. In fact, it's almost always justified. But admitting that, doesn't help democrats win elections, so they lie.

"And the pattern is police are conservative and lie and ignore evidence."

All police? Most police? Or a few bad apples?

"I can count the # on one hand bc you constantly point them out but constantly ignore the fact that most police are conservative."

How many can you count where the mistake was made in a way that helps conservatives? And unless you are a mutant, then no you can't count them on one hand. Those aren't every case Paul.

Why does it matter if "police are conservative"? Is the GOP telling cops to murder people? What's your point? I sit even true that mist police are conservative? Because 20 years ago, most were democrats. Your side decided to throw them under the bus. Should they keep voting for the same democrats who call them a bunch of racist assassins?

I'm not saying there are thousands of examples of the bias we're discussing. It doesn't happen often. But when it does happen, I can't think of a single case where democrats and the media made a mistake in a way that benefitted republicans. Can you name one?

Sure, Foxnews does it all the time, I'm talking about the rest of the media, in conjunction with democrats who go on TV and virtue signal their way to woke sainthood by blaming it all on conservatives.

How many cases can you name, where they got it wrong, and did so in a way that painted conservatives favorably?

With this Paul Pelosi case, they all said it was purely politically-motivated violence. And it may well be that. But we don't know. The body cam footage would tell us definitively, and the fact that it hasn't been released, makes me think it's very likely that what's on there, doesn't tell the story that the liberals would prefer to tell. That may not be the case. Maybe the video shows the attacker saying "Trump made me do it!". But I suspect if that were the case, we'd have seen the video by now.

Have a good day and a great holiday next week.
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