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Old 11-16-2022, 09:33 AM   #17
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
it was all i expected

Sorry Jim you were pushing the Red wave like no other here .on how democrats were going to be Crushed

You conceded it was a failure

I on the other looked at historical and it usually Flips and really normal

But this midterms are historical for different reason..

Yes the Republicans will have a slim majority.

But all the red wave riders are trying to spin the taking of the house . By a hair

Like Trump who said I always said we only needed to win by a few seats. took credit because someone he endorsed won. And something about the Chinese some how involved in the midterms elections

Even Kevin is dumbing it down as a win. . Which is correct
A wins a win But !!!

The republicans won’t attempt to governor. their base only wants to own the libs

Rick Scott said as much on fox. While attacking Mitch on Fox complaining about the previous bipartisan bills passed as folding to radical democrats

The house is a clown car now we wait to see how many clowns pop out
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oh you’re 100% correct that everyone who called for a tsunami looks silly and they’re scrambling to make excuses. But 99% of the polling called for a wave so you can’t blame people for not ignoring all the polling. Everybody got it wrong.

They are right a win is a win. And you are right that it should have been a bigger win. No one knows for sure why it wasn’t a bigger win. Abortion, Trump fatigue, weak candidates, lack of a strong GOP message, take your pick…. Also the senate seats that happened to be up, we’re extremely favorable for democrats. that won’t be the case in 2024 when it’s a dream rotation for the GOP. But they’ll screw it up, or Trump will, or all of them perhaps.

When the democrats took the house in 2018 it was one hearing after another. That sure didn’t bother you. Now it’s someone else’s turn. And that really bothers you. You have absolutely zero ability to just say “we did it when we were in power, now it’s their turn.”. You’ve never once said that. You can’t.

Democrats really, really don’t like it when the gop takes control and then does what the democrats had been doing. They HATE that. It’s exactly what you’re doing here.

The DOJ, the Biden administration, and big tech buried the Biden corruption story. Fine. Assuming the GOP indeed takes the house, now that story comes out.

What’s good for the goose! Or Elections have consequences. Take your pick. In 2020, America wanted a biden as POTUS. In 2022, America wanted the GOP to take the house. Obviously Biden won in a landslide and the GOP at best will have a tiny majority, but the size of the majority doesn’t matter much in a practical sense.
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