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Old 11-15-2022, 01:47 PM   #1130
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
everything Trump touches dies….
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
Then please tell me why the GOP will likely have a tiny majority in the house, 49/50 senate seats, and a robust majority of state governorships and legislatures? By what conceivable standard is that a dead party? I guess it's a very slow death...How would you describe the democrats after Obama? They were way, way worse off than the GOP is now.

Or are you making up quotes again, passing them off as genuine?

It's fascinating though. The battle on the left is ideological between the more progressive wing and the more moderate wing, and the moderate wing at the national level is quickly disappearing. That battle is pretty much over, the holdouts like Manchin and Sinema are mostly despised.

On the right, the ideological battle is over, the neocons lost and the populists won. The upcoming war on the right will be fought among two groups who have the same views on public policy, the battle will be about Trump, as he's way too self-centered to make it about anything other than himself. He's an unbelievable megalomaniac. It's going to be ugly and it's going to be costly, and it will be fascinating to see what Desantis does. If he waits until his term is up in 2026 and runs in 2028, that's 2 years he'll be out of office and he may well be yesterday's news by then. His time is right now after turning Florida into a red state and winning Miami Dade. But the Trump lovers are absolutely in a cult, there's no talking to them. they are completely hypnotized. Desantis is the embodiment of the upside of Trump without the downside, which is exactly why the left is batsh-t terrified of him. And he may never have a chance.

Fascinating stuff. Better than an episode of The West Wing.
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