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Old 11-11-2022, 12:22 PM   #1
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
i don’t know how often this happens, but it does happen as i’ve seen interviews with former abortion survivors who often live their entire lives with horrific injuries from the procedure.

think about what you said you dont know how often something happen .

but because it may have Happened and you've seen seen interviews with former abortion survivors So have I one was south Korea the 2nd twins one was aborted; one survived… and the 3rd she didn’t find out the truth about being an abortion survivor until she was 14 years old today Melissa is a healthy 34-year-old woman.

So lets make a law for something that statically never happens So as Republicans we can make ourselves look and feel good meanwhile

More than 13.1 million children in the United States are food insecure. Additionally, 14.5 million children live in poverty. Those are alarming statistics, especially when you consider the developmental, behavioral, and psychological impacts hunger can have on children.

and what's republicans policies Congress made school meals free for 2 years. Now, Republicans don't want to extend the program

42 House Republicans vote against extending free school lunches over the summer and Rand Paul blocked it But but Abortion

classic republicans they care more about the unborn . Once the babies born then its Good luck
so it’s a character flaw if i admit i don’t know exactly how many babies survive abortion.

whatever you say wayne.

what’s your argument against that law?
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