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Old 11-08-2022, 10:21 PM   #1050
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Jim you’ll be all set, with Republicans denying women the right to make their own reproductive decisions, there will be a dramatic increase of children born into untenable financial circumstances. This undoubtedly will increase the number of women who will need to move back in with their parents. And, with Republicans promising to kill social security, this will put many seniors in difficult financial circumstances, resulting in seniors needing to move in with their adult children. So this cruel combination of Republican priorities pretty much guarantees painful and harmful circumstances for wide swaths of the population.
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pete, what’s your opinion of the poll you shared recently, that showed Crist winning?

would you rather be born into untenable financial circumstances, or be slaughtered? me and my brothers were born into rough financial circumstances. But it was a lot better than being slaughtered.

If women don’t want to raise the baby, there’s this thing called “adoption” that liberals never, ever mention. No one has to raise a baby. Nobody. There’s a huge waiting list of desperate people who
want a baby.

Look it up. It’s true!

How was Crists acceptance speech? Was it good?

You’ll be ok. Probably not a red tsunami. Just a normal pendulum
swing to the right. Probably.
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