Thread: Dear Jim
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Old 11-08-2022, 07:06 AM   #14
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
all of's as reflexive for them as trump derangement at this point ...tomorrow should be hilarious
probably won’t be the red slaughter i was hoping for, but it’ll be enough to show that the gop isn’t the fringe party the left wants it to be, especially if you look at the number of governorships and state legislatures the gop controls.

the pendulum swings both ways, this may not be much more than an average midterm swing.

Then, hopefully, the left will able to convict Trump of something so that he doesn’t run again. We needed him in 2016, he was the only sliver of hope, no one else had a chance against hilary and the media. Now we need him to go away and pass the torch to someone more stable, hopefully Desantis.
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