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Old 11-03-2022, 08:45 AM   #63
Jim in CT
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paul the most likely explanation all along was a political hit job. but he’s insane.

Here’s a question for you. I wouldn’t care what any other lefties would respond to this, but i’m curious to know your reaction.

If you want to blame the GOP for this, then using that logic, don’t we also blame democrats for the shooting of republicans at the congressional softball game, for the assassination plot against Kavanaugh? If wnot, what’s the difference?

I really think we need to dial the rhetoric down. But the inflammatory rhetoric is not used exclusively by the right. I’m not saying the right doesn’t use language i think is inflammatory, we do it all the time. But so does the left.

In Bidens speech last night, naturally he said it was evil
to question the integrity of our elections. But Hilary is in tv saying the gop is planning to steal the 2022 and even the 2024 elections. Why is it ok when she does it?

Let’s tone down the rhetoric, have standards that we apply equally to everyone, and spend more time talking about which policies work and which don’t work.
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