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Old 11-01-2022, 09:39 AM   #26
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
You can’t even manage ordinary decency anymore. That’s what the GOP has become.

Remember Larry Elder, the radio host who ran for governor of California? He was a normal conservative, or seemed to be. But the mood of the right has infected him. Noting that Paul Pelosi had been arrested for a DUI a few months ago, he tweeted: “Poor Paul Pelosi. First, he’s busted for DUI and then gets attacked in his home. Hammered twice in six months.”

All of this is a garden party compared with the bilge (thank you Charlie Sykes) released into the atmosphere by Donald Trump Jr. Repeating a rumor from the fever swamps (which rumor was later retweeted by the new chief Twit), he displayed a picture of men’s underwear and a hammer, saying “Got my Paul Pelosi Halloween costume ready.” The vile, baseless claim that Pelosi was in the midst of a homosexual tryst with his attacker thus became the official conservative response to a horrifying attack on an 82 year-old man and attempted attack on the speaker of the House. Doubtless it will be but a few weeks or months before the Pew Research Center releases a survey showing that 70 percent of Republicans believe that the attack on Paul Pelosi was fake or a false flag. Was Antifa responsible?

Just asking questions as your ilk does…

The DoJ is charging DePape with a federal crime, and the conspiracy theories are now TOTALLY DEBUNKED. First, he was LOOKING FOR THE SPEAKER, and Paul Pelosi DID NOT KNOW HIM.
Next, DePape was not in his underwear, and he BROKE IN through the back door. There was broken glass.
DePape said he would wait for days for the Speaker.
DePape said he would hold the Speaker hostage and BREAK HER KNEECAPS to show the world what happens when you’re the “leader of the pack of DEMOCRATIC lies”. Absolutely politically motivated.
DePape told the police that Paul was taking Nancy’s punishment.
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"You can’t even manage ordinary decency anymore."

When your definition of "decent" is "let the left exploit this for our political gain, and don't you dare ask any questions", then no, I have no decency left.

For the second time, all I'd have cared about is that Mr Pelosi recovers and the attacker gets justice. But your side couldn't wait to make this a political issue, and that opens up a different can of worms. No ne cares if you don't happen to like it.

"Noting that Paul Pelosi had been arrested for a DUI a few months ago, he tweeted: “Poor Paul Pelosi. First, he’s busted for DUI and then gets attacked in his home. Hammered twice in six months.”

If that bothers you, please explain why you don't care that Pelosi's daughter said that Rand Paul's attacker was "right", and that MSNBC said that the Paul attack was their favorite story.

Tell us why that's not an obvious double standard.

Your outrage at making fun of victims of violence, is quite selective, based on partisan politics. Which means your outrage is fake, so spare me.
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