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Old 11-01-2022, 08:40 AM   #19
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) claimed was politically motivated. Police have not backed up that assertion
So you say it's wrong for Rubio to assume the attack on his volunteer was politically motivated.


So why is it OK for all of you to assume the attack on Mr Pelosi was politically motivated? The police haven't established that either.

Why is it wrong for Rubio to speculate, but totally OK for the entire left to speculate?

Please answer that question. I'll wait.

Let's summarize your position here Wayne...

(1) it's OK for you to speculate about the motives behind Mr Pelosi's attack, but wrong for Rubio to do the same exact thing.

(2) when liberals say that all political violence is done by the right, the right should not disprove that by pointing to irrefutable cases of left wing political violence. The right should just take those accusations and shut about it, so that we can paint democrats in the most favorable way possible. That matters more than truth.

Do I have that right Wayne? Does that seem fair and balanced to you?
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