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Old 11-01-2022, 07:13 AM   #10
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Exactly. Although some have condemn the attack.

The attack wasn't based on policy votes (abortion, taxes, etc) it was based on a lie propagated by most of the R party, from the top on down. So while he was crazy, there is a direct line bt who was and is telling the lies and crazy one's belief the election was stolen and that Pelosi was a part of it..
Exactly? can you name a single meaningful republican who hasn’t condemned it when asked?

how do you know what the attack was based on? does that “direct line” not also apply to the shooting of Steve Scalise and the guy who wanted to kill Kavanaugh right after Schumer threatened him by name? or does that line only appt to the right?
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