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Old 10-31-2022, 05:56 PM   #76
Jim in CT
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Join Date: Jul 2008
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Sorry victim you’re wrong
I grew up in the fastest growing place in the USA, a town that went from a single K-12 school where I went to kindergarten to 8 elementary, two middle and two high schools in 12 years.
There was less than a handful of kids that weren’t white in my class and today that town is still far whiter than most of the surrounding towns.
Redlining, realtors and banks played racist games and still do.
You just keep thinking systemic racism doesn’t exist.

Red states COVID curves were exactly the opposite of places that reacted to Covid with public health measures.
In blue states people died because they didn’t yet know, red states they died because of ignorance and greed.
Floriduh and NY are prime examples, NY had early high rates, Floriduh had most of their deaths in the latter stages of Covid, when DeathSantis claimed it was nothing and vaccines didn’t work.
Don’t worry Jim, Roevember is coming.
You claimed your hero was invincible also….
Remember most of your ilk claims they won the last election and Putin is good.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

maybe you made all
that up.

what’s not made up is how much worse life is for blacks in new haven,,bridgeport, and hartford. not
enough dads. but let’s not talk about that.
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