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Old 10-29-2022, 09:37 AM   #26
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Ah and of course the school choice, red herring Sadly once again your Data is incorrect

Talking about helping poor minority children softens the GOP’s image and lets candidates offer a positive vision instead of forever going on the attack. And unlike immigration reform, school choice is politically safe; there’s no chance of blowback from the tea party.

“You cannot punch me in the mouth with one hand and reach out and shake my hand with the other,” said the Rev. Joe Darby, a civil rights leader in Charleston, S.C.

that was then in 2014

Why republicans really want school choice this is Now

School choice has always been a major policy platform for Republicans, but the Club for Growth’s play on McCall’s seat is just the latest proof of how it’s becoming the ultimate purity test for conservatives in the run-up to the 2024 midterm elections. Voters angry about decisions to close schools and to require masks, resentful of discussions on critical race theory and the rights of transgender students are running toward the party with a new urgency, lured by its elevation of school choice as a means to address their indignation and take back control of school systems that they see as dominated by progressives and progressive ideology.
immigration reform is very politically safe. Liberals want open borders, americans don’t. -It’s a winning issue for the right.

don’t tell me why i want school choice. 99% of what you say about me is exactly wrong.

i thought liberals identified as pro choice?!!im pretty sure i heard that somewhere.

you’re too pro union to be honest, too pro union to care. As you said yesterday, the plight of blacks isn’t your concern. But you want their money to go to your beloved unions.

you want their money, but you don’t want to help
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