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Old 10-21-2022, 03:13 PM   #33
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
The difference between you and I is that I am not as petty as you and don't feel like I need to comment on every post here or start a thread on everything. I don't need to come here first thing in the morning and stay on until late at night, 7 days a week. A good example is you started a thread on Nancy Pelosi getting her hair done - how petty is that. You also use the same few inappropriate statements that Biden, Obama and Hillary made constantly as if they are the same as Trump's thousands of inappropriate statements.
"Why do I need to criticize anyone? You and faux news seem to do enough criticizing here for a 100 people"

But you criticize republicans, despite the fact that TV stations criticize them all day.

"There is no set # bc their statements are constantly scrutinized so most reasonable people cut people in the news some slack for most statements/actions - of course you don't when it is a Dem."

See that's very interesting, because recently you said the number of offensive things a politician says, is the key to determining whether they deserve criticism or not.

So let's just say Republicans aren't allowed to be offensive, but democrats get a few free bites at the apple. Sounds fair.

"We can't handle it??? that is funny. We don't need to start multiple threads complaining about the most minor things like you do."

It's what you guys do. Except Pete, who got banned.

"The difference between you and I is that I am not as petty as you"

One of us asked the other to perform a sex act on him, and Lord knows it wasn't me. But at least you're consistent, it's OK when lefties are vulgar but a character flaw when republicans do it.

"You also use the same few inappropriate statements that Biden"

I just brought up a very recent creepy statement to a little girl, and you dismissed it. This week a female reporter asked why he isn't campaigning for more democrats running for office, and he said "count, kid. Count".

It doesn't matter how many times he says offensive things, you'll never, ever criticize him for it.

And again, I don't especially care that Biden is a jerk, I expect high level politicians of all parties to be jerks. The only reason I bring it up, is to illustrate the glaring hypocrisy of the left on your demands for ethics.
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