Thread: ReAwaken tour,
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Old 10-21-2022, 09:13 AM   #1
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ReAwaken tour,

Was reading a story about how the Rights newest ploy is to somehow blame Biden for Putins threats to use nukes .. then I saw a reference to ReAwaken tour, so I did a quick search

Seems it’s some Christian nationalist movement

“We’re under warfare,” one speaker told them. Another said she would “take a bullet for my nation,” while a third insisted, “They hate you because they hate Jesus.” Attendees were told now is the time to “put on the whole armor of God.” Then retired three-star Army general Michael Flynn, the tour’s biggest draw

I heard this brainwashed idea the Christians were under attack 10 plus years ago from another correctional officer I worked with for 20 plus years. It’s what he heard in his church every Sunday

A poll by the University of Maryland conducted in May found that 61% of Republicans support declaring the U.S. to be a Christian nation.

Religion and politics don’t mix

Christian nationalism really undermines and attacks foundational values in American democracy. And that is a promise of religious freedoms for all,”

I agree with that statement .

And some thought I was crazy to compare today’s republicans to the Shia or the Sunnis in Iraq .

When people start looking to build a Army of God .

It goes on.

From the stage, speakers stirred up fear and hatred. Immigrants are rushing over the border “to take your place,” one said. Homosexuals and pedophiles are classified in the same category: sinful people who don’t honor God. Life-saving vaccines are creating “a damn genocide.” “The enemy wants to muzzle you,”

This is the current GOP message all rolled into one

But I’ve been told Democrats want a totalitarian system of Government.. lol
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