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Old 10-21-2022, 08:38 AM   #839
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
House Republicans have introduced legislation

The bill, called the "Stop the Sexualization of Children Act," aims "To prohibit the use of Federal funds to develop, implement, facilitate, or fund any sexually-oriented program, event, or literature for children under the age of 10, and for other purposes.

So much for its about the economy
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Please tell us which republican said that they won't consider any legislation that's not related to the economy?

Sexualization of little kids is a big political winner for the right, like abortion is for the left. Your side is constantly ramming graphic sexuality in the face of little kids. Most of America doesn't like it, so why wouldn't the GOP pounce on it. It would be stupid of them not to.

The liberal view of kids is to abort as many as possible, and take those that survive the womb, and bring them to adult drag shows, put books in the elementary school libraries that show kids how to give blow jobs, tell kids if they are ever confused about anything, they should consider gender reassignment surgery.

For this election, it's mostly about the economy. Not 100%.

Don't worry. A whopping 5% of Americans say abortion is their top concern. That will save you when the economy is already in a recession by the longstanding definition, stock market correcting, inflation soaring, interest rates soaring, crime soaring, the border is a hot mess.

You've got abortion and Trump. For some reason (and I'm serious here), democrats are barely mentioning low unemployment (which the deserve some credit for), and some of the legislation like the infastructure bill, which they passed with some bipartisan support., No one is mentioning that. It's ALL about abortion and Trump. That's all they're talking about. It's not working.
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