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Old 10-21-2022, 06:10 AM   #18
Jim in CT
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Join Date: Jul 2008
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the woman who says she only lost because of racism ( in a state with record black voter turnout every election) and who would
slaughter the unborn to reduce economic anxiety ( let’s kill
babies if it makes our lives easier!! hooray!) is falling further and further behind. Hopefully she’s sufficiently toxic to bring the saintly Warnock ( gets an annual $84,000 housing allowance from his church while people get evicted from a complex his church owns for being behind $200 in rent) down with her, and she can join Beto Oroarke in the ash heap of future DNC stars turned losers.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 10-21-2022 at 06:30 AM..
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