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Old 10-20-2022, 09:09 AM   #825
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
"Clearly you never follow the advice you give to others. "

I don't make stuff up constantly. I keep asking you to support your lie that there's existing federal infastructure to care for millions and million of illegal immigrants, you keep dodging. Because it doesn't exist.

"Reverend Warnock has nothing to do with its day-to-day operations.”"

He is the head of the church that owns a 99% share in that complex. He could stop it if he wanted to.

First you denied the evictions happened. Now you're saying they aren't his fault. Which is it?

His church has reportedly evicted people for owing less than $250, while that same church gives him a housing allowance of $7,000 a month.

He is saying the evictions never happened. But it's public record if they did happen. If those evictions happened, and he lied about them not happening, and he's collecting $84,000 a year for his housing, that's going to hurt him. Doesn't mean he's going to lose as Walker is a terrible, terrible candidate. But it looks very bad. He is personally profiting handsomely from evicting people who are behind $200 in rent. I'm not saying he showed up personally to evict them. But he's getting very wealthy from it.

If the evictions didn't happen, it's wrong to say they did. But it's something very easy to prove, and the folks reporting on the evictions say they have the public records.

"But the details showed no police report And if did happen it was here foot lol"

What are you talking about? There was bodycam footage and a police investigation. There was no arrest. WHy are you saying there was no report? I'd like to know what you based that on? I haven't seen a report, but for sure it was investigated, which means there has to be a report somewhere...

So it's funny if a democrat senate candidate runs over his wifes foot with his car.

I always know when your caught in posting a lie.

You write these long responses trying to fill in the blanks

Now there’s body camera footage this didn’t work last election cycle but republicans do what they do best wash rinse and repeat

That’s called desperation

Imagine that a black man you assume ran over his wife’s foot actually stayed and told police what happened. And yet the wife had no injuries.. I guess he aimed for her big toe also

it's funny if a democrat senate candidate runs over his wifes foot
with his car.

Jim my daughter had her foot ran over at 12 years old by my son . And guess what it was my daughter’s fault not his. She was the one outside the car. When he drove off. And guess what she also had nothing broken
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Last edited by wdmso; 10-20-2022 at 09:54 AM..
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