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Old 10-16-2022, 09:20 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
why do you assume blacks can’t get an id? you have a very low opinion of blacks.
Jim why do you assume blacks Need to get an id? Do you have a very low opinion of blacks

that's the question you need to ask yourself.

and defend this

Before Arizona legislators passed Senate Bill 1485 last year, registered voters could sign up to automatically receive a mail ballot for every election. Whether or not the voter actually participated, they could still count on getting a ballot for the next contest, which made voting easier.

Though the new law won’t be in effect for the midterms, in the future, voters will be booted off the mail voting list if they go four years without casting a mail ballot — even if the state has no reason to think they’ve moved or are otherwise ineligible.

Fabricated Fear. wow every 4 years which happens to be when POTUS races are held

So I use a mail in ballot 1 year then vote in person the next year no mail in ballot for me .. or simpler terms they have made it harder for me to vote by removing My choice
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