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Old 10-05-2022, 02:56 PM   #3
Pete F.
Join Date: Jun 2003
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
WDMSO started this thread pointing to what may have been said by "an elderly couple in Arizona", Karen and Steve SLaton, who no one has ever heard of.

Maxine Waters went on national TV and told the world to hound members of Trumps cabinet "so they know they're not welcome anywhere". Congresswomen Pressley called for "unrest in the streets". Those things are OK.

I don't like extremist talk either Pete and Wayne. But if you measure each side by the actual political violence over any time horizon, it's not even close. There's no comparison. January 6th was the first politically-motivated riot i can remember in my life, carried out by the right. The left does it constantly, Occupy Wall Street, BLM, Antifa, etc...these groups aren't just talking, they're actually hurting people and doing damage. The right has a long, long way to go, to catch up to the left, in terms of political violence and property damage. I guess it's fair to throw in abortion clinic bombings too for violence on the right...

"Just ask Liz Cheney." Ask her yourself, she'll be a registered Democrats tell the truth, yes yes, it's "truth" that republicans want to enslave women and pout blacks back in chains and that we hate everybody. All truth. They're all telling the truth about Hunter's laptop, and the influence-peddling the Bidens were almost certainly engaged in. Trump didn't pay his taxes, he colluded with Russia, stories about Russian prostitutes, no untruths there, absolutely none.

If the right is so demented, why do they control a decent majority of state governorships and state legislatures?

Why are people predominantly moving to red states? CA has nice weather, why aren't people moving there? Why are they choosing TX and FL and NC and TN?
Poor victim

There have been plenty of right wing riots in American history, plenty ended up with dead minorities.
Of course you’ll never learn about those because it might hurt your feelings.

The Stable Genius is still fundraising off your ilk, and we will see just what he was doing with the documents he stole. Maybe Jared’s billions and LIV exhibition matches at Trump courses mean nothing…..
If people fleeing Blue states just want Republican government
Why aren’t they choosing Mississippi and Louisiana?
Why are they going to Mexico?
We’ll see who wins the elections in Floriduh and Texas, both are getting more blue.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Frasier: Niles, I’ve just had the most marvelous idea for a website! People will post their opinions, cheeky bon mots, and insights, and others will reply in kind!

Niles: You have met “people”, haven’t you?

Lets Go Darwin
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