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Old 10-05-2022, 08:20 AM   #6
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Isn't that your whole schtick here? Find a few Dems (Stacy A) and compare it to millions of Rs and somehow it is equal?
No that's not my shtick. I only bring up Abrams, when you guys bash Trump for saying his loss wasn't fair. I point out, correctly, that Abrams is saying the same thing, and I note it's interesting that you all give her a free pass when she does it.

I've aid a million times, can't (and don't) believe you missed it, that there is plenty of good and bad on both sides, neither side has a monopoly on virtue, neither side has a monopoly on corruption.

Wayne never stops finding some obscure republican somewhere who misbehaved, and claims they speak for the whole GOP. His shtick, not mine. It's an asinine shtick.
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