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Old 10-04-2022, 09:23 AM   #698
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
No Jim I just brought it up a usual comments from the MAGA universe about Abrams similar comments made towards Miichele Obama .another black women you may have heard about

which you claim you know nothing about .. it happens to be the the same place we’re you got the VP blew her way to the top.

please spare me you fake indignation…. ( I never called her Fat lol) never said you did Mr misogyny
oh…and there are non usual nasty remarks from the progressive universe? they are always respectful to black republicans, to those who are pro life, etc.

My god man what planet do you live on? There are kooks, liars, jerks, crooks on both sides. Neither side has anything close to a monopoly of bad behavior.

Harry Reid was the majority leader of the senate. When romney was running, Reid said Romney was a tax cheat. after the election, it was shown that romney paid his taxes. someone asked harry reid if he felt sorry for lying about Romney, and Reid said no, because the democrats won the election. That was the senate majority leader, much more powerful than MTG will ever be ( I hope) and he was a hate filled, lying lunatic. And there are plenty of people
like him on both sides. Politicians in general are loathsome.

You’re as brainwashed as anyone i’ve ever come across.
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