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Old 09-29-2022, 03:33 PM   #17
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post

Four Democratic electors from Washington state who were part of the effort to encourage GOP electors to abandon their pledges were fined $1,000 each under their state’s law. The fifth Democrat cast his vote in Hawaii,

Oh the Horror

While the 2016 effort was aimed at influencing duly chosen electors, the 2020 push sought to create lists of electors who would vote for Trump in battleground states that he lost and where the Republicans falsely claimed there had been widespread election irregularities.

Trump challenges to election counts (which included baseless challenges by Sidney Powell, Rudolph Giuliani, and Mike Lindell of MyPillow) were consistently and firmly rejected as unfounded by courts that examined the issue, so the attempt to replace one set of electors with another would have resembled a coup rather than an attempt to remedy electoral irregularities,

did Dems do that? So please keep preaching your revisionist History lessons that only the MAGA Faithful actually think happened

How do you explain this. 70% of Republicans think Trump won

And Nearly 1 in 3 Republican candidates for statewide office support false election claims

But some how I am the Child . For calling out half truths and Republican deeds before during and on going attempts to influence current elections with deceit and misinformation…

Jim it’s not the 30% of Republicans that worries me ..

It’s That 70%! That should scare the 30% of your fellow Republicans. To death because they are coming for them next And that should worry everyone
"Four Democratic electors from Washington state who were part of the effort to encourage GOP electors to abandon their pledges were fined $1,000 each under their state’s law. The fifth Democrat cast his vote in Hawaii,

Oh the Horror "

Since I never, ever brought up this incident in Washington (never heard of it until just now), we have no clue why you brought it up, or what you're responding to. You know full well what I'm referring to.

"How do you explain this. 70% of Republicans think Trump won"

That's easy! They're gullible and/or stupid! When did I ever come close to defending the stupid argument that Biden stole the 2020 election? When have I ever said anything close to that? Again, you're responding to something I never said, because you're even you know you can't respond to what I am actually saying.

You asked, I answered.

I'll give you another chance to show me the same courtesy...why was it OK when a handful of democrats in the US House of Representatives (not talking about Washington State) tried to de-certify Trump 2016 wins in a few states, when there was zero evidence the elections weren't fair in those states?

You ask a question, I answer...

I ask a question, you dodge.

Trump tried to steal 2020, and a few Congressional democrats in Washington DC (which is different from Washington State, in case you didn't know) tried to steal the 2016 election. Both attempts failed. I hate both attempts, you only hate one because you're a thoughtless zombie.
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