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Old 09-29-2022, 12:06 PM   #6
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Again get back to me when the Democratic Party try’s to overthrow a National election.. steal election machine data passing laws to restricting voting based on the lie of voter fraud

Oh wait you already think that has happened .. once again proving you don’t live in reality

Yes Jim there are like 4 members of the Democratic Party who I would consider extremist and have no power

The problem with your logic is the majority or Republicans are extremist…. And once again you are trying to suggest both are somehow the same and you’re willing to vote for there seditious leader

It’s like voting for a child Molester . Because they have better policy's on crime economy and the border..

I’d still take a guy who ask for a dead lady over a party that supports seditious behavior

Here’s a shocker that you would carry this talking point

There was no question that come fall, Republicans would go to the same sort of playbook that they’d been using for the last 25 years, which is trying to scare voters into the Republican column by blaming Democrats for crime, Crime has been a go-to Republican issue since at least the 1968
"Again get back to me when the Democratic Party try’s to overthrow a National election"

Again, in 2016, a small number of congressional democrats tried to do exactly that. That's exactly, precisely what they tried to do.

And I'm sorry, but you painted all republicans as kooks and all liberals as saints long before January 6th.

"The problem with your logic is the majority or Republicans are extremist…."

Says you...and Joy Behar. Sorry, that's not evidence. Even Trump isn't an extremist (not on policy), he advocated successfully for criminal justice reform and that's a liberal policy, not a conservative policy. Marjorie Taylor Green is an extremist and a kook.

On the left, the squad are mirror images of Marjorie Taylor Greene and they have a lot of influence.

"Republicans would go to the same sort of playbook that they’d been using for the last 25 years, which is trying to scare voters into the Republican column by blaming Democrats for crime, Crime has been a go-to Republican issue since at least the 1968"

Sorry, the democrats control the show and crime is way up, the economy is in a recession by the typical definition, and the border is a catastrophe.

Here's the shocker, you give democrats credit for all that's good and don't blame them for anything that's wrong.
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