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Old 09-27-2022, 12:02 PM   #4
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
MV welcomed them and then sent then to another place in the state that was better equipped to take care of them.

Let's compare that to the cons. states. They lied to asylum seekers by printing up a brochure full of lies and then telling them they would be given benefits in Mass. which were not available to them. They had them sign legal documents which I am sure the asylum seekers did not understand, they did not warn the small island that a plane load of asylum seekers was coming (even though NYC Mayor Adams had reached out to TX to ask if they can coordinate to cause less pain to immigrants - which Tx refused to do).

And somehow you are spending weeks trying to twist that to somehow show that "liberal" MV didn't want them.

What a bizzarro world we are living in,
they welcomed them for two days paul. then got them
out of sight.

lightfoot did the same thing in chicago, shipped them off elsewhere
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