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Old 09-27-2022, 10:58 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
"s that even in this thread ?"

It was somewhere in the last 2 days, you said that I defend Trump as an honorable man.

Either support that, or admit you lied.

"And Anyone who votes for Trump is suggesting he's an honorable man"

WRONG. Stupidly wrong. I voted for Trump not because I think he's a good man, but because i think the policies he advocates for, are better for the country, than the policies his opponent advocates for. It has nothing to do with my view of him as a person.

If the office was called "role model in chief", then the candidates personal ethics would be most important. I want a president who will grow the economy and keep taxes low and kill terrorists. I don't especially care if he cheats on his wife or is vulgar.

You voted for Hilary, youre saying she's an honorable person? It's honorable to lie about coming under sniper fire on a foreign visit when video footage shows it never happened? It's honorable to marry a serial predator of women, to lie to protect him (she claimed the GOP was framing him), and to slut-shame his victims on national TV? That's honorable?

I think Bill Clinton was a good president. Doesn't mean I think he's honorable. Hes a very sick individual, and corrupt to his core. But he was a good president.

"here are more than 670,000 asylum seekers in the United States waiting for their cases to be heard,"

And they need to live somewhere and be fed, while they wait. The wealthy liberals on the Vineyard wanted no part of that.

"Not in my backyard".

If the office was called "role model in chief", then the candidates personal ethics would be most important. I want a president who will grow the economy and keep taxes low and kill terrorists. I don't especially care if he cheats on his wife or is vulgar.

or trys to steal an election lies 24x7 cheats on his taxes and supports seditions

Twist it anyway you want .... you cant was his stink off your hands

Jim you really need to read up on what being Honorable , having ethics and integrity actual means as well as your definitions of corruption .... your dismissal of these virtues as a core standard of elected office is a Big problem in todays right wing universe

that why your party love Orban and the New PM of Italy Giorgia Meloni both Stars of CPAC Fox and others right wing stations are pushing hard to are referring to them as Conservatives ...Tucker Carlson gives passionate endorsement of Italian politician Giorgia Meloni
Carlson: “Ask yourself if you would vote for a candidate like this if you had the chance in our country”

Brothers of Italy,” a party look them up

I swear you still think todays republican party is the party of Reagan

Last edited by wdmso; 09-27-2022 at 11:13 AM..
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